It’s all about the senses You might not smell those cookies your aunt bakes when you go buy the brand she recommends, but you might. Sensory integration is our brain’s ability to gather information from our senses, categorize it, and then respond to it later. As our brains search for specific sensations, we make sense of our surroundings based on previous experiences.
The smell of a chocolate C Level Contact List chip cookie or even the memory of a friend telling us about one can contribute to decision-making about which brand to buy. Unfortunately for marketers, the relevance of a TV commercial trying to influence people is nowhere near as likely to be successful. So, is peer-to-peer marketing beneficial to your business? Absolutely, because it presents a significantly stronger emotional quotient, and it can be harvested for a fraction of other forms of marketing while providing long-lasting results.
When referred to your business, consumers are four times more likely to make purchases. How to Create an Effective Peer-to-Peer Marketing Strategy Creating a marketing program that harnesses the power of P2P dynamics can be one of the most transformative endeavors your business has ever embarked on. Why? Because it will change your business from an impersonal, faceless blob into a company with a personality.